Thursday, April 17, 2008


THE Supreme Head of the World-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, is in the country for a four-day visit to interact with the members of the mission and exchange ideas with his counterparts of other faiths and political leaders.
He met yesterday with President J. A. Kufuor at the Castle, Osu, where the two leaders examined the present level of collaboration between Ghana and the Ahmadi Mission and how to strengthen that relationship.
Quite interesting is the advice by Hazrat Masroor Ahmad to the government to learn from the experiences of other countries to make the best use of the recent oil find for the development of the country.
Looking around us, one can confidently say that God has been very good to us and that despite the economic and political turbulence in some of our neighbouring countries, Ghanaians continue to demonstrate that they have a lot to gain by way of peaceful co-existence.
We know that the task ahead of us in trying to maintain our identity as Ghanaians, instead of pursuing sectarian interests, will be Herculean, but with unity of purpose and the determination to succeed, Ghana will continue to be the toast of the rest of the world.
The Daily Graphic believes that our continued success will depend on our partnership with well-meaning bodies like the Ahmadiyya Mission which has, since its establishment in Ghana, contributed immensely to the socio-economic development of the country.
The mission has partnered the government and other development agencies to provide schools, health facilities and agricultural projects, all in the grand design to provide for the physical and spiritual well-being of the people.
Ghana looks forward to more fruitful partnerships between the people and the mission. Particularly critical in this election year will be the mission’s prayers so that the election processes will be peaceful and serve as a good example for the rest of the continent to emulate.
We are also delighted that Ahmadis have always extended a hand of friendship to all religious faiths in the country. This demonstration of tolerance on their part is helping in the process of nurturing an inter-faith dialogue among all religious groups in the country.
We welcome Hazrat Masroor Ahmad to Ghana and wish him fruitful deliberations during his stay.

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