Monday, August 10, 2009


WITH barely nine days to the rerun of the parliamentary election at six polling stations of the Akwatia Constituency, certain developments in the area have sent shivers down the spine of many political observers in the country.
Last Wednesday, news was that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Youth Organiser for the Akwatia Constituency, Mr Emmanuel Acheampong, was allegedly assaulted by thugs believed to be sympathisers of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).
And before that spark of violence could die down, the nation was rocked by another round of commotion some two days later with the setting ablaze of two vehicles at Akyem-Boadua, near Akwatia.
According to reports, the incident occurred around 3.15 a.m. and one of the vehicles is said to belong to Mr Ernest Kwame Ankrah, the NDC Youth Organiser of the Akwatia Constituency, while the other one is said to be for the Chief of Akyem Abenase, Nana Owusu Boateng, believed to be an NPP sympathiser.
The culprits were said to have fled immediately after the incident in a waiting pickup and, therefore, are yet to be identified. Neither could the real motive of their action be established.
Incidentally, both NDC and NPP camps have reacted to the latest incident with great caution. While the Akwatia Constituency Secretary of the NDC, Mr Kwesi Ofori Abrokwah, says that “it is police investigations” that will determine whoever is behind it all, the NPP’s parliamentary candidate, Dr Kofi Asare, also says “we must not draw any hasty conclusion that the incident is related to party politics”.
Much as the Daily Graphic shares the sentiments of the party bigwigs to some extent, we strongly believe that the growing tension and thuggery in the Akwatia town and its surrounding areas in recent times is really frightening and poses a great challenge to the security operatives, in particular, to ensure an incident-free atmosphere before and after the rerun on Tuesday, August 18.
We are, therefore, happy that the Regional Police Commander, DCOP Stephen Andoh-Kwofie, has not only indicated that his outfit has commenced investigations to identify the culprits and bring them to book, but has also devised means to forestall further political tension in the town.
Among the plans of the police is the deployment of a number of armed men to patrol the town and ensure the security of life and property, as well as the maintenance of their physical presence prior to and after the August 18 rerun.
All the same, the Daily Graphic would not hesitate to remind the security personnel to go about their duties with all fairness and firmness. For, it is only when they interpret the laws without fear or favour that they can make a headway in ensuring peace and order before and after the polls.
But, perhaps, more importantly, the Daily Graphic calls on the leadership of the two main parties contesting the Akwatia seat to make a pledge to the good people of this country that not a single drop of blood will be spilled in their quest to annex this particular seat. And we are ready and willing to hold them by their word.
Only some nine months ago, our dear nation won the praise and respect of the international community for our conduct in the 2008 general election, culminating in a smooth handover of the reins of government to the victorious NDC party. And we cannot allow a mere rerun at only six polling stations to ruin all our glorious achievements.
The world is watching. And we dare not fail.

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